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发布时间:2022-09-25 17:22:08

A. 意大利民族起源


Origins of Italian people
The Italian peninsula has been populated by a number of people throughout history besides the original Italic tribes. The Gauls in the north, the Etruscans in Central Italy (Tuscany and parts of Umbria and Latium) and the Greeks in the south preceded the Romans, who in turn "Latinized" the whole country and preserved unity until the 5th century AD. Jewish settlements were established in Italy as early as the Roman Republic and survive to the present day.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West, the Italian peninsula was invaded by Germanic peoples crossing the Alps, establishing settlements in north-central Italy and to a lesser degree in the south. The Germanic tribes underwent rapid Latinisation and were assimilated into the native Latin-speaking majority. There is a German minority in Northern Italy. Most Italians are descended from the Romans.[citation needed]

The Byzantine Greeks were an important power in Italy for five centuries, fighting for supremacy first against the Ostrogoths and later against the Germanic Lombards of Benevento. Greek speakers were fairly common in Calabria and Apulia until the 11th century when their rule ended: a few small Greek-speaking communities still exist in southern Italy and Sicily.

In the 9th century, the island of Sicily was invaded by Saracens from North Africa who established control on the island and the lower regions of Apulia especially Bari for 200 years, until the Norman Christians (of Viking and Celtic origin) conquered much of southern Italy and Sicily and began an extensive conversion and deportation system of the Arabs, mostly practicing Muslims from Sicily.

Starting from the 15th to 16th centuries, southern Italy especially experienced a wave of refugees from Albania where their descendants, language, customs and religious elements still exist in communities in Calabria, Apulia and Sicily, and are collectively know as Arbereshe.

There are still small Greek fishing villages, Maltese-Italian residents whose family originated from Malta under Italian and then British rule from the 18th to the mid 20th centuries, and Catalan communities in Sardinia to this day.

For more than 500 years (12th to 17th centuries) after Norman rule, Swabian (German), and Angevin (French) swapped control of regions in Italy. In the 13th century, Norman rule ended to be succeeded by the Aragonese the Spanish in southern Italy. Some Spanish features in culture and language appeared in the identity of the occupied areas.

In 1720, Sicily came under Austrian Habsburg rule and was swapped between various European powers until Giuseppe Garibaldi conquered Sicily and Southern Italy, allowing for the annexation of the former Kingdom of the Two Sicilies into the new Italian state in 1860.

In very general terms, many Northern Italians tend to have fairer complexions, somewhat similar to central Europeans, along with a higher frequency of light-coloured hair (see image) and eyes. Many Southern Italians tend to have darker features, similar to other peoples of Southern Europe such as the Spaniards and the Greeks.[3] Due to population movements throughout Italy's history, these physical characteristics are not greatly pronounced. For the Y-chromosome and mtDNA genetic lineages of the Italian and other peoples, see: Y Haplogroups of the World and Atlas of Human Journey.



作为一个现代意义上的民族国家的意大利却姗姗来迟。在法国的拿破仑的军事行动,意大利各个城邦国都被其征服,由拿破仑划成一个意大利王国(Regno di Sardegna),这是现代史上意大利的第一次统一。但这个王国维持了不久,当拿破仑在1815年战败投降后,欧洲列强召开维也纳会议,重新划分欧洲,意大利王国被瓦解,回复到1789年法国大革命前的多个城邦国。当中中部划分为教皇国(Stato Pontificio),由教廷掌管罗马。奥地利帝国的势力也渗透至威尼斯和意大利东北部。

此后40年,意大利地区和整个欧洲大陆都经历多次大规模的民族革命浪潮,欧洲近代民族主义之父纠泽佩·马志尼提出统一意大利的设想。与此同时,萨丁尼亚王国(Regno di Sardegna)在1850年代迅速崛起,意大利统一运动的策划者加富尔伯爵,就是维托里奥·伊曼纽尔二世在1850年成为萨丁尼亚王国国王时的首相。由革命家纠泽佩·加里波底于1860年开始发动统一运动。1861年3月17日意大利半岛上的各个公国和两西西里王国(Regno delle Due Sicilie)合并成为意大利王国(Regno d'Italia)。除了教皇国因为受法国保护下仍然在中部存在外,意大利半岛已见统一。直到1870年9月20日,罗马成为意大利王国的一部分,这也标志着意大利统一的完成。教廷被迫在梵蒂冈成为意大利境内的一个独立国家。








Prehistory to Magna Grecia
Excavations throughout Italy reveal human presence dating back to the Palaeolithic period (the "Old Stone Age") some 200,000 years ago. In the 8th and 7th centuries BC, driven by unsettled conditions at home, Greek colonies were established in places as widely separated as the eastern coast of the Black Sea and Massilia (what is now Marseille, France). They included settlements in Sicily and the southern part of the Italian peninsula. The Romans called the area of Sicily and the foot of the boot of Italy Magna Graecia (Latin, “Greater Greece”), since it was so densely inhabited by Greeks

Ancient Rome was a civilization that grew from a small agricultural community founded on the Italian Peninsula circa the 8th century BC to a colossal empire straddling the Mediterranean Sea. In its twelve-century existence, Roman civilization shifted from a monarchy, to a republic based on a combination of oligarchy and democracy, to an autocratic empire. It came to dominate Western Europe and the entire area surrounding the Mediterranean Sea through conquest and assimilation.

Italia, under the Roman Republic and later Empire, was the name of the Italian peninsula. During the Republic, Italia (which extended at the time from Rubicon to Calabria) was not a province, but rather the territory of the city of Rome, thus having a special status: for example, military commanders were not allowed to bring their armies within Italia, and Julius Caesar passing the Rubicon with his legions marked the start of the civil war.

From the 3rd century, the Roman empire went into decline. The western half of the empire, including Hispania, Gaul, and Italy, broke into independent kingdoms in the 5th century. The eastern empire, governed from Constantinople, is usually referred to as the Byzantine Empire after 476, the traditional date for the "fall of Rome" and for the subsequent onset of the Early Middle Ages, also known as the Dark Ages.

B. 意大利习俗等







C. 意大利宗教信仰是那种教


D. 意大利信哪个教


E. 意大利信仰伊斯兰教吗


F. 意大利人信奉哪个宗教


G. 意大利主要民族和宗教


H. 意大利人一般信仰什么宗教为什么会打坐


I. 意大利人信仰什么教阿波罗人信仰什么教


J. 欧洲人主要信仰的宗教是什么




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