導航:首頁 > 英國資訊 > 正在英國留學用英語怎麼寫


發布時間:2022-10-04 00:52:43

⑴ 我近期要去英國留學了,求英語翻譯

I'm going to study in Britain recently.

⑵ "中國學生赴英國留學指南"用英語怎麼說,要作為標題用

改進一下UK Study Guide for Chinese Students

holpfulllife的有些復雜,另外大小寫有問題,英國不是英格蘭,應該是UK United Kingdom.

⑶ 他正在國外留學用英語怎麼說

He is studying abroad right now.

⑷ 去英國留學常用的英語詞彙




Currency 貨幣

Balance 結余

Overdraft/overdraw 透支。例句:What if I overdraw? 透支了怎麼辦?

Credit card 信用卡

Debit card 借記卡

Due date 信用卡還款日

Checkings account 支票儲蓄賬戶

Check 支票

cash a check 兌現支票

Money order/Cashier's Check 匯票/本票 (租房很多時候會用來交押金,需要先存指定金額才能拿到)

Savings account 定期賬戶

Service charge 服務費

Interest rate 利率

Deposit your money (in the account/ with the bank) 存錢

Pay my bills 付款

Withdraw 支取。例句:withdraw 100 dollars from my savings account 從定存中支取100刀。


Invoice 發票

Refund 退款

Receipt 收據

Counter 櫃台

Small change 零錢

Promotion Code 促銷碼

BOGO 買一贈一

BOGO 50% OFF 第二件半價

Mix and match 混合搭配(以滿足獲得優惠的條件)

Free shipping 包郵

Return policy 退貨政策

Would you like to pay by cash or card? 您用現金還是刷卡?

Can I use VISA? 我可以用VISA卡嗎?

Credit or Debit? 您是用借記卡還是信用卡?


Buffet 自助餐

Napkin 餐巾紙

Fries 薯條

Appetizer 開胃菜

Straw 吸管

Plain rice 白飯

Fried rice 炒飯

Chow mein 炒麵

Boba milk tea 珍珠奶茶

Cheeseburger 芝士漢堡

Regular/Large Drink 標准/大杯飲料

All-you-can-eat 自助餐

Sunny side up 煎一面的荷包蛋

Over-hard 全熟蛋

Scrambled 炒蛋

Ranch 田園沙拉醬

Thousand Island 千島醬

Mayo 美乃滋

Blue Cheese 藍乳酪醬

Italian Dressing 意式沙拉醬

Honey Mustard 蜂蜜芥末醬

Whole Wheat Bread 全麥麵包

White bread 白麵包

Toast 烤土司

Instant noodles 方便麵

Chicken nuggets 雞塊

Mashed potatoes 土豆泥

Chicken Drumsticks/ Chicken thighs 雞腿

Lettuce 生菜

Onion 洋蔥

Jalapenos 墨西哥青椒

Celery 芹菜

Coriander/Cilantro/Chinese parsley香菜

Green onion 蔥

Ginger 姜

Gallic 蒜


⑸ 請按下面文字翻譯成英語;"我已經大學畢業了.目前正在英國留學 "當我看到你們的招聘廣告,我感到我有

I have already graated from college and currently studying abroad in England. When I saw your hiring ad, I felt like I finally have the chance to show my ability. I am very confident to apply to this job. I have the background required, I am specialized in English, besides that, I also have talent in playing basketball, baseball, and soccer, in fact, I was the basketball coach back in college. I am very enthusiastic about this kind of carrer and wants to devote my life to it. I was also once an English tutor, I believe I have the responsibility to contribute to this job, I believe I capable of withstanding it. I hope you can give me a chance to try out this job, I will give my best to do the most I can.

⑹ 在英國留學到了學校該辦理什麼卡(用英語怎麼說)

I need my student card. 學生卡肯定是要的啦.

如果要辦銀行卡需要學校的信,也就是個證明的文件.你說 statement for bank..statement for police...statement for doctor就可以了

銀行卡要去銀行辦,如果英語一般的話就找中國學生或者學校幫忙吧.沒什麼辦法的..學校有打折卡,好像是在超市可以用. 去學校的student service問問吧


⑺ 我曾經去英國留學的翻譯是:什麼意思


英文翻譯:I ever went to England to tudy abroad.


曾經:ever;once;at one time;at one time or another;e'er

英國:Britain;England;the United Kingdom;the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;Great Britain

留學:study abroad

⑻ 「在英國」用英語怎麼說

在英國 in Britain in England
Both are now equally current in Britain.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
"In Britain, people get the vote at the age of 18."
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
Ken is working at the BBC.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
Radiant ceilings for cooling have not gained popularity in the U. K.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
We are quite a French House, as well as an English one.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
For almost fifty years inflation had been continuous in the United Kingdom.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
In Britain the situation was equally grim, but with one major difference.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
In Britain the sun sets much later in summer than in winter.
在英國, 夏季日落時間比冬季晚得多.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
In Britain, an engine driver is a person who drives a railway engine.
在英國,engine driver指火車司機。
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
In Britain, the Design Council gives awards for good instrial design.
在英國, 設計委員會給優秀的工業產品設計頒獎.

⑼ 我想去英國留學。 英語怎麼說

你好。我想去英國留學 翻譯成英語是:I want to go to England to study.


⑽ 「去英國留學」用英語怎麼講

樓上的,留學不一定指 本科畢業後,去接受更高的教育(further ecation),也有小學就出國學的


study abroad in UK



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